I love shooting. It doesn’t matter if I’m plinking with a .22 or shooting long range with a high powered rifle. I enjoy all of it. But when you get a really high end pistol in your hands, GAAAAWD the drool starts flowing. Don’t spend your money on multiple mediocre pistols when you could own better. Let’s look at three awesome high-end pistols that will change your world.

Dan Wesson Discretion Commander

2018 Dan Wesson Discretion CommanderI’ve shot twenty or so different 1911 .45 pistols. My favorite ones by far have always been the Dan Wesson 1911s.

The 2018 Dan Wesson Discretion Commander is spectacular. There were no compromises made in the manufacturing of this pistol. A threaded barrel for a suppressor. High front and rear night sights. Lightening cuts on an all-black-finish slide. And a stainless steel barrel. All of the above make this a beautiful pistol to look at, and a dream to shoot.

This shorter, Commander-length version of the Discretion might actually be a better suppressor host than its 5″ big brother. By reducing slide and barrel length, weight is removed from the muzzle end, meaning once your suppressor of choice is attached, it’s much less muzzle-heavy than its Government-sized counterpart. – danwessonfirearms.com

Learn More at Dan Wesson


STI 2011 DVC 3GUNThe new 2018 STI 2011 DVC 3GUN pistol is the ultimate competition pistol. The modern version of the iconic 1911 is the STI 2011 with a double stack 9mm magazine. This little Texas company makes some of the best pistols ever. If price is no worry, then you will own a STI.

The DVC 3-GUN is specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s 3-gun enthusiast while keeping true to the DVC heritage of Accuracy, Power and Speed “Diligenta, Vis, Celeritas.” Shoot flatter. Shoot longer between reloads. Consider the performance critical handgun portion of your 3-gun arsenal duly covered. – STIGuns.com

Learn More at STI Guns

TTI John Wick Combat Master Package

tti John Wick Combat Master PackageThe Taran Tactical Innovations or TTI John Wick Combat Master Package is the ultimate Glock upgrade. Send TTI your GLOCK 34 Gen 3, pay over $1300 AND wait over 20 weeks and they will send you back the Glock of your dreams.

Maximize your Glock for ultimate John Wick performance with the TTI Glock John Wick package. Gives you a vital edge over the competition, this upgrade package includes improvements to make your Glock ready to compete with the best. Whether you’re just breaking into the shooting scene or a seasoned competition veteran, the TTI Glock Combat Master Performance Package sets your Glock apart for excellence. – TaranTacticalInnovations.com

Learn More at Taran Tactical Innovations

If you own four or five pistols that are JUST okay. Then you’re doing yourself a disservice. Don’t be tempted to buy quantity over quality. Spend your money on one great pistol that will BLOW YOUR MIND every time you pick it up.